Fabio Medina Osorio
Fábio Medina Osório est inscrit au barreau brésilien. Il pratique en conseil et contentieux depuis 2006 pour une clientèle nationale et internationale. Il a rejoint Hérès en 2021.
- Arbitrage – Contentieux – Médiation
- Corporate – M&A – Private equity
- Droit Économique
- Compliance & Sanctions internationales
- Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul (1991-2006)
- Deputy Secretary of Justice and Public Security in Rio Grande do Sul (2003 - 2005)
- Minister of State of the Attorney General of the Union (May / September 2016)
- Director of the Brazilian Association of the Public Ministry of the Environment (ABRAMPA)
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain - Doctorate in Public Law (specailizing in Administrative Law. Advisor Eduardo García de Enterría, 1999-2003
- Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Master in Public Law (specializing in Administrative Law). Advisor Cezar Saldanha Souza Jr., 1995-1997
- Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Legal and Social Sciences, 1986-1990
Ql 11, conjunto 6, casa 06, Lago Sul,
Brasilia, Brazil
T. +55 (61) 37976080
M. fmedina@hereslegal.com